Insert Tap Materials & Finishes
WTI taps are designed to generate wire thread insert tapped holes
in a variety of ferrous and non-ferrous materials. They produce close
tolerance tapped holes in accordance with all internationally recognised
wire insert standards and are compatible with all other wire insert
manufacturers products.
Manufactured in fully heat treated high speed steel they possess the
crucial property of 'red hardness' which enables them to cut at a
dull red heat without loss of hardness or rapid blunting of their
cutting edges.
They offer excellent wear resistance and toughness and are normally
supplied in a bright untreated condition. Additional surface treatments
and or coatings can be specified for a variety of conditions as listed.
Nitriding: Significantly enhances the wear resistance and fatigue
strength of high speed steel taps and has a micro hardness of approximately
1,100 HV. Nitrided taps are ideally suited for prolonged tapping of
highly abrasive materials such as grey cast iron and aluminium alloys
with a high silicon content.
Tuffriding: A low temperature salt bath nitriding process.
Tuffriding provides virtually identical properties to gaseous nitriding
(specified above) but at a much lower cost. The process is much shorter
and is less harmful to the environment.
Flash Chrome: An electrolitically deposited hard chromium layer.
It has the effect of increasing tap life and is particularly suited
to abrasive non-ferrous materials. Flash chroming is bright silver
in appearance and is a fairly inexpensive process.
Titanium Nitride: (Tin coating) The tin coating has a hardness
of approximately 2,000 HV and is temperature resistant up to 600?C.
It has a very low coefficient of friction and is an excellent all
round coating for normal applications. It is bright gold in appearance
and reduces cold welding.
Titanium Carbon Nitride: (TICN Coating) Takes the place of
tin where conditions require different hardness and toughness. It
has a higher resistance to edge chipping and is suitable for tapping
of interrupted bores. TICN- coating has a hardness of approximately
3,000 HV, is temperature resistant up to 400?C and is grey-violet
in appearance.
Chrome Nitride: (CrN-Coating) This coating is an alternative
to flash chrome plating and is ideally suited to the tapping of copper
alloys and titanium. It has a hardness of approximately 1,750 HV,
is temperature resistant up to 700?C and is metallic-grey in appearance.